• Strategic Focus


    Safety is central to our success and our future. We provide a safe, equal and healthy environment for our people and customers.



    We are committed in retrieving only the best artisanal produce for our client. Our goal is to give space to niche producers, whom still works following ancient methods, on a wider market.



    We take a holistic approach to source material and produce responsibly.

    Our focus is further reduce consumption of plastic and non eco-friendly materials within our operations and to support the development to turn waste into resources.

  • Progress in 2022

    Developed and delivered various training courses on Safety Risk Management (SRM) and mental wellbeing. Refined our COVID-19 related safety precautions for our clients and our people.


    Developed the expansion of our portfolio of products towards artisanal and natural products.

    We allied with HQF, our official partner, supporters and producers of artisan Italian excellences. Projecting our own production kitchen.


    Changes on packing methods, using only paper or kraftpaper boxes and paper or PLA bags.

    Repacking with sustainable materials all items received with a non-eco friendly packaging.

    Recycling of polyfoam boxes and plastic packaging received.

    Cooperation with Food Link foundation to donate our food waste weekly.

  • Priority in 2023

    Continue to provide training, information and support to help our people manage and overcome challenges. Continue to focus on quality and operational excellence to ensure our customers and our people are as safe as possible.


    Continue to expand our choices and continue our research of niche products to propose to our clients. Develop and expand our production kitchen produce and establish a new brand on the market


    Reduce the incoming plastic received from our suppliers. Increase the use of sustainable items not only in operations but also for internal use.

    Increasing MOQ to optimize our deliveries and reduce our carbon emission.